Hello again, it has been a while since my last seed, so if you’re new here, welcome to my life blog, Sunflower Seeds!
This past summer has been a busy one (thus, the lack of posts), but it was full of adventure! In this seed, you can expect to read about a recap of my last summer ever as an undergrad (I am SOOO upset)!
May – what a month you were.
May was an absolute blast and maybe that’s because I turned 21 or because it was the start of Summer (Taurus Season is the best Season, duh). I finished up my Junior Year around May 10, and my 21st birthday fell on May 12. As you can tell, I was already off to a great start! My 21st birthday was the most fun nights I have ever had, and not for the reasons you probably think. My mom visited me for that week, and I had all of my closest friends over to celebrate with. It was a night filled with friends, fun, and of course, tequila.
Around the end of May, I went back to the homeland of Chicago and I got to see the rest of my family, friends, and my awesome cats – shout out to Cookie and Christian. During that time, my sister and I decided to take a spontaneous trip to Nashville for a few days and it was quite the rodeo. Nashville is such a lively place and I recommend that everyone goes there at least once in their life.
June – you were the start of something interesting.
June had a lot of curveballs, to say the least. A boy who I had met at the beginning of March unexpectedly came back into my life in May. I thought it was only a weekend thing in March, but I was mistaken. I had my fun with him, but that eventually simmered down. Things with work got complicated too, but that isn’t important. June had a few setbacks, but it was a month of lessons well learned.
July – you always seem to fly by.
July was an extremely hot month considering I don’t have AC in my apartment. The highlight of this month was definitely the Fourth of July. This holiday seems to be one of the people’s favorites. This was the first fourth that I was of age, so it was so much fun to go to the beach and enjoy some of Pacific Beaches’ activities (PB Shore Club anyone?).
Fourth of July – Photo By: Caroline’s Polaroid
August – the last month of the summer ever.
August was filled with fun! I went to Vegas with one of my best girlfriends on the first weekend of the month. I don’t think we slept more than 6 hours the entire weekend, but we definitely made the most of it. Of course, one trip wasn’t enough for me, so my mom, sister, and I took a girl’s trip to Vegas at the end of the month! We went to see Def Leppard together for our second time and it was such a blast. I don’t get to see them often, so a mother-daughter trip to Vegas did just the just trick.
Mom and Sister in Vegas – Photo By: Sister’s Snapchat Story
I took advantage of my last summer ever and hopefully made the most of it. I can’t believe I am a Senior in College because I feel like I’m eight years old half the time considering I still have to sleep with a nightlight on. All fun aside, I am so excited, scared, and hopeful to see where life takes me. May is just around the corner and I have no idea where I am going to end up, but that’s the magic of life. Cheers to Senior year and not having class on Fridays!

P.S don’t forget to tune into Sunflower Hour on Tuesdays from 10 – 11 am!