Souvenir of the Week: Vacation

Hey there fellow tourists, how are things? I’m doing pretty well myself, but I must admit that I have some bad news. As classes here at beautiful SDSU are ending I am preparing for another summer full of traveling and adventure. Which means that I won’t be able to write to you guys for some […]

The Goldmine-In Utero by Nirvana

In high school, my history teacher told my class that history becomes classified as such when 20 years have elapsed from the time an event happened. In that case, Nirvana’s 1993 album In Utero has just crossed that threshold, and as this blog profiles older albums that people nowadays aren’t as familiar with as they […]

Souvenir of the Week: It’s Alive

Hey there fellow tourists, it is time again for another Souvenir of the Week. Although this album may sound like it comes from down here in southern California, but it actually comes to us from the great Pacific Northwest. This week’s souvenir is the album Its Alive by La Luz.     La Luz are […]