Cozy Up With these Reads

The season of lattes, knit sweaters, looming finals anxiety and ceaseless tater tot cravings has fallen upon us! Brace for impact as Ugg boots are pulled from the depths of suburban closets, the pervading scent of pumpkin spice invades homes everywhere and Michael Bublé plays on repeat in a fiery loop. As the cloudy skies and […]

How to Not Make a Film

Just a couple weeks ago I saw a sign that read, “Can you make a five-minute film in a week?” It was an advertisement for a nationwide competition called Campus Movie Fest that gives college students full creative control to make their movie dreams come true, with free equipment! And, oh, did I make a film. […]

Unwarranted Stereotypes in TV and Film

In the wake of Halloween, a day in which every year without fail, there are people who dress up in offensive and insensitive costumes, it seems necessary for me to address offensive cultural stereotypes that are ever-present in popular media today. In previous decades and in the present day, films and television shows have portrayed […]