Lose Belly Fat and Be Swimsuit Ready

With summer right around the corner everyone, including me, are franticly trying to lose belly fat. There are two ways you can tackle your dilemma with body fat. First, you can be completely irrational by trying to do 1,000 push ups a day or fasting on some weird detox. Second, you can be rational and […]

How to Feel Confident Everyday

With spring break behind us some people maybe struggling to get back in to their gym routine or with summer fast approaching people are look to start a gym routine. One of the main things you can gain from a healthy and fit lifestyle is confidence, you begin to look good and feel good about […]

Training Mind and Body With Self Defense

I started this semester wanting to amp up my workout routine and I certainly found out how. A typical workout for me is usual a 45 to 50 minute circuit of lifting, isolating certain muscle groups on certain days, and 30 minutes of cardio  (stair master and spinning). This semester I wanted to add something […]