Neighborhood Jams: Watashi Wa Dance Party

Hey friends! Happy HUMP DAY, and I hope you guys are gearing up for this upcoming Halloween Weekend – or more importantly midterms – but Halloween only comes once a year!  This week on neighborhood jams I am featuring San Diego’s newest and upcoming band – Watashi Wa Dance Party! Now their story is pretty awesome… Watashi Wa Dance Party consists of three members: […]

Neighborhood Jams: The Aura & Øvation

Hello friends! This week on Neighborhood Jams I am featuring the San Diegan band, The Aura & Øvation! I highly, highly recommend listening to these guys – each musician adds so much emotion with their preferred instrument. This past January they released the album, Brilliant Nights – EP, and you can purchase it on iTunes. On their website you can listen to […]

Neighborhood Jams: Ocelot

Hi friends! I am so excited to start blogging for KCR Radio. Every Wednesday I will blog about either bands that have their roots planted in San Diego, or about bands that are making their way through San Diego on their tour – it’s my neighborhood jams! If you have any suggestions for local bands, let […]