We all know it as the go to place for videos, ranging from funny pets to gameplays on just about any video game out there. Within the past decade alone,  Youtube has risen from just a regular social media platform to an enterprise.

However, it seems that Youtube is in a bit of hot water. They’ve recently reached some issues among creators, due to the demonetization of videos, where creators could possibly lost out on financial opportunities via view count. As this has hit the bigger Youtube creators, it’s also shown a great fallout among aspiring, smaller channels that don’t get as much views or are just starting out.

And now, to add onto to this, Youtube has attempted to create a solution: Youtube Heroes.


Youtube Heroes, is essentially Youtube’s equivalent to the Avengers Initiative, but with more obvious flaws than the rag-tag team of comic book characters. It allows viewers to become a part of the Youtube, but behind the scenes. There are levels, in which each user rises in through accumulation of points. Possible ways to gain points include adding captions/subtitles to videos, reporting inappropriate content, sharing knowledge with others, etc.

Once you’re a “hero”, you have access to a personalized “hero dashboard”, which allows you to join in on the “hero community”. From there, heroes have access to workshops, video chats, as well as having tools that allow the hero to mass flag videos and help in moderating content in the heroes community. Heroes will also be able to contact Youtube staff directly, as well as test new features before they are released.

But is this just a gateway for Youtube’s downfall?

Many big Youtube creators have openly spoken out against this news, many dubbing this as “The End of Youtube”.

Which to me, sounds extremely accurate.

I personally think that, unless they have a 24/7 monitoring system of the “heroes community”, Youtube is going to have some big issues coming their way. Creators, both big and small alike, are going to be facing some big challenges for their videos. This has to be one of the biggest opportunities, for all internet trolls alike, to abuse the power that comes with being a “Youtube Hero”.


But what do you think? Do you think that “Youtube Heroes” will actually bring balance to Youtube? Or will they turn to the Dark Side and destroy it completely?


And if you found this topic interesting, or at the very least appreciate my subtle (or not so subtle, whichever you prefer) nerdy references, I host an evening talk show on Saturdays at 7 PM PST! The show is called “Bingeworthy”, and I cohost the show with my friend Kentaro Kawasaki. Come tune in Saturday nights and follow us on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter at @KCRBingeworthy.