Tune in to hear coverage of a student-moderated open forum that President Hirshman has been invited to participate in.
Students are expected to continue protests if Pres. Hirshman does not make himself available on Thursday morning, or the “Student Success Fee” is not overturned.
According to the SDSU’s information page on the fee, President Hirshman will make the final call on whether or note to endorse the fee, and the CSU Chancellor has the final authority to approve the fee.
The Aztec took a stand on the issue by posting an editorial arguing that the administration is making a meaningless effort to truly inform the students about the fee hike.
Read on for the email sent by students in reply to Pres. Hirshman agreeing to a meeting.
Dear Pres. Hirshman,
We received your invitation for a meeting via Associate Vice President for Campus Life Timothy Quinnan. We sincerely appreciate your invitation and are very pleased to learn that you will be free to meet with us this Thursday, March 6, at 9 a.m.
We feel that all interested students, faculty, staff, and alumni should have the opportunity to express their views to you before you make any decision about the proposed fee increase.
Many students were unsatisfied with the “alternative consultation” process, finding it to be one-sided and undemocratic; and we feel that more must be done to improve accountability, transparency, and involvement.
Therefore, we hereby invite you to meet with us this Thursday, March 6, 9-10 a.m. for a student-moderated open forum at the Aztec Student Union courtyard, to be broadcast live on KCR College Radio. We have democratically selected experienced student moderators who can introduce you and facilitate input from all assembled.
We thank you for your time and look forward to continuing this important discussion about the future of our university.
Concerned Students of San Diego State University
For more information and updates from the students organizing, visit the Facebook event page.
Tune in for live coverage tomorrow at 9 a.m.
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